Author Archive: Ryan

Author Archives for Ryan

Reasons To Choose Diesel Car

Diesel cars are not a popular choice in the US. In fact, only 3% of motorists in the US drive one. By comparison, over 50% of drivers in Europe opt for the fantastic fuel economy and environmental benefits of a diesel vehicle.

So, if you are thinking about coming down to see us at Sherry Chrysler and picking yourself out a new car, truck, or SUV, here are some fantastic reasons that you should choose one with a diesel engine!

Fuel Economy

There was a time when you could sell a diesel vehicle on the fact that diesel fuel was so much cheaper than gas. These days, the cost at the pump for diesel tends to be the same or even more than regular gas.

This parity of price tends to trick people into thinking that diesel and gas cars cost the same to run, but the truth is that a diesel car can be [...]

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